Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Dec 30

VMware Snapshot Tips

Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Dec 29

How to configure VSphere MPIO for ISCSI

Configuring Left-Hand ISCSI and VSPHERE MPIO
Monday, December 28, 2009
Dec 28

VSphere Storage Bug

Beware of a horrible bug in Vsphere whereby if you delete a LUN it will cause ALL virtual machines to loose connectivity for 10 seconds or so every 30 minutes.

Monday, December 28, 2009
Dec 28

Presenting an application via Citrix to Iphones

I start work tommorow on presenting a bespoke office application to 200 remote users via a Citrix app for the Iphone. basically it will connect via secure SSL web front end to Citrix Xenapp running on Vmware.
This has been in dev for a while now and now moves to production...should be fun!
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